Education Services
Asylum Productions provides educational services for various theatre arts organizations and the community
Stargate Theatre Company
Stargate Theatre, a project of The Manhattan Theatre Club Education, pays at-risk youth to write and stage an original performance piece about their identities, neighborhoods, hopes, dreams and fears . The aim: to provide court-involved youth with transitional employment, work-readiness training and literacy education in a creative theatrical environment. Asylum Productions provides artistic leadership. Judy Tate is the Founding Artistic Director.
Click Here at left for: Nationswell Video (running time 4:23)
Click Here for Emmy Award and NY State Broadcasters Award Winning
WLIW Artsbeat Profile (running time: 7:28)
Click title to view WLIW Award-winning documentary video-
Stargate Theatre: A Defining Act (Running time: 60:00)
Click Here to view two lessons on PBS created for Stargate by Judy Tate
American Slavery Education Labs
American Slavery Project provides residencies in High Schools, Middle Schools and Community venues to replicate the process that professional playwrights undertook to create the original theatre piece Unheard Voices, which gives life and honor to anonymous African descended men, women and children who lived in colonial New York and are buried in The African Burial Ground in Lower Manhattan. For more information, visit American Slavery Project's website. The Community Labs are funded by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and public donations. www.AmericanSlaveryProject.org

Community Discussion
Asylum Productions can provide scholars and artists to
facilitate post-show and community discussion.
Pictured left:
Judy Tate, ASP Producing Artistic Director
Gloria J. Browne-Marshall, author of Race, Law and American Society: 1607-present, and professor of law at John Jay College of criminal justice
Melissa Maxwell, director Unheard Voices www.melissamaxwell.com